Ms. Oertel's English 1
Are you a Learning Recovery Credit Student?
If so, this is the place for you! Here you'll find all the links, helps and information you need to make your 4 week adventure
an enjoyable and successful one!

Steps to LRC Success:

1.Submit your Diagnostic Test.
    (Scroll to the bottom of the page for directions on submitting.)
2. Follow your Pacing Guide for Each Week.
    Make sure you're doing required assignments!
3. Edit/Resubmit your work as needed. 
     You MUST earn at least 80% on every assignment!
4. Call Ms. Oertel when you have questions, need help
     or it's time for an oral exam!

Segment 1

Create your own Animation

Segment 2

Create your own Animation

How Do I Submit the Diagnostic Test?

You MUST submit your diagnostic test in order to be and remain in the Learning Recover Credit Program.It's as easy as 1 - 2- 3!
First, open the link for your diagnostic test. (It should open as a word document.)
Secondly, go ahead and save it - using your name as the file name. *Remember where you've saved it so you can find it later when it's time to upload the file! (If you've created your English 1 work file on your desktop, you can save it there.)
Now it's time to complete the test - simply fill in your answers for each question. Once you've completed it,  click "save" and close it. You're now ready to upload your file.
Go to "Assessments" in the classroom sidebar menu. If you are Segment 1 you will go to Blank Assessment 4.12, for Segment 2 go to Blank Assessment 9.03. You will see a button to browse and upload your file - click this and find your file, double click it to upload. You're almost there...make sure to check that you want the assessment to be graded and click Submit! You're ready now to move on to your pacing guide and being working in the class!